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Dont forget to book your computer based exams with us too. Free cima certificate level study text, notes, exam tips and guides. Sep 06, 2017 study material for cima mainly consists of tge textbook and practice kit which is sufficient to pass the exams. Apr 08, 2017 bpp or kaplan study text pdf home forums cima forums strategic level forums bpp or kaplan study text pdf this topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by john moffat. How can we download the free study material from cima uk. A quick fyi for anyone trying to get into college or graduate school. Approved books and study materials for cima certificate. Kaplan cima e1 managing finance in a digital world study text. Astranti the guys at astranti financial training offer free study texts for every paper and level of the cima qualification. The best practice one fulllength online practice test helps you practice in the same computerbased format youll see on test day. Welcome to kaplan books online use your online resources to get the best out of your prep. Our results show clearly that sitting your exam in line with our recommendations gives you a 38% better chance of passing. Cima professional 2020 classroom timetable london kaplan. Approved books and study materials for cima professional.
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